Your New Head General Doctor D.J. Bettencourt does not disconnect from society; he is aware of the problems of his fellow citizens

Doctor D.J. Bettencourt does not disconnect from society; he is aware of the problems of his fellow citizens

Communication is essential for anyone who wants to exercise political leadership, like the one exercised by doctor DJ Bettencourt. Regardless of the strategy the party or the communication cabinet designed, the leader must have excellent communication skills to convey his ideas and political projects.
It is not just about offering data and projects in his public interventions; the politician must connect with the public, showing emotions, sincerity, and coherence between what he says and what he has done in his political, personal, and professional career.
Many legislators lock themselves in their offices and disconnect from reality; part of the citizen’s disaffection towards politics comes from there. They live in a parallel world surrounded by advisers and clappers, moving away from real problems.
For this reason, doctor D.J. Bettencourt does not disconnect from society; he is aware of the problems of his fellow citizens and shows empathy towards them. He strives to solve those daily problems that affect groups or society as a whole and must show understanding.

A leader who understands the problems

In these times, in which it seems that social networks and distancing are imposed, finding close politicians like the legislator DJ Bettencourt, who understands the people’s problems, is a point in favor of reinforcing his leadership.
Faced with the short-term vision that largely prevails among legislators and politicians, the leader must have a medium- and long-term strategic vision for the good of society and for the good of his political project. Having this strategic vision implies analyzing the information and possible scenarios to propose the most appropriate responses at each moment. Faced with the volatility of the policy developed from social networks, the strategic vision will allow you to propose firm, lasting, and sustainable projects over time.

A legislator who works as a team

The problem with many politicians is that they don’t know how or don’t want to delegate or invest the energy involved in working as a team. In all parties, some mediocre politicians do not trust the people around them; they believe they can give him the blow and eliminate him from the game board. That is why working with a legislator like doctor D.J. Bettencourt is so important.

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